It's going to be a big year- I can feel it. What's already on tap? A web mini-series to go live on featuring yours truly, teaching you how to bake some of the Reality Bites Cupcakes. Stay tuned!
While I won't update the blog as much as I have in the past (incase you haven't caught on already), I will be sure to post updates here monthly, but more so on RBC's social handles. Be sure to check us out on Instagram, and follow RBC on Twitter!
The other exciting venture thus far is that I am writing for Martha Stewart's contributor network. My pieces are not necessarily only about baking! And they will be on so be sure to check them out!
The website will also be ever evolving and I am always open to suggestions on how to make the ordering process easier. Soon enough, you will be able to pay for RBCs online. Welcome to 2015, right?
Cheers to a great year, and thank you for all of your support in 2014!