Cereal Baker








All images ©2014 reality bites cupcakes inc.

These cupcakes were such a throwback to being a kid again. Growing up, we weren’t allowed to have sugar cereals unless it was a special occasion. Froot Loops were always the biggest fight (Lucky Charms were completely out of the question), but Apple Jacks, Frosted Flakes, and Pops were given the “OK”. 

This idea has been on my mind for over a year now, but it took my cousin lending me her wonderful kitchen in Manhattan to give it a go. Most people don’t get to see the process behind Reality Bites, so it was fun to share that experience with her. Leaving for work, we both took bites of these cupcakes. Not 100% eating cake for breakfast, right?

I think next time I will make the bowl a different color cake (suggestions welcome!) to add to the contrast between the less colorful cereals and the cupcake “bowl”. What do you think? Either way- these cupcakes are the perfect #TBT.