Let's Go to the Movies




All images ©2013 reality bites cupcakes inc.

With the Academy Awards coming up this Sunday, I decided to make these “popcorn” cupcakes as a fun treat for the weekend. Instead of butter and salt, they are covered in vanilla frosting and mini marshmallows, throwing my movie snack routine off entirely. Whenever I go to the movies, I always want popcorn, but I can’t have it alone- I also need M&Ms. The combination of salty and sweet treats is borderline unavoidable walking by the snack counter.

I love going to the movies, but I don’t go nearly as often as I would like. This year I told myself I would see all of the films nominated for best picture, but only ended up seeing two of them (does seeing Argo twice count for anything?). For me, “best pictures” are the ones with the perfect combination of a good story and a great soundtrack. I wouldn’t be opposed to there being a soundtrack to my life, so I love when I find a movie that knocks it out of the park on both fronts (i.e. Forrest Gump, Pretty Woman).

Ironically enough, I have had this song stuck in my head all week. It not only fits Sunday’s movie theme, but it has also gotten me excited for the weekend. And the Oscar goes to..