You're a Peach







All images ©2013 reality bites cupcakes inc.

I was recently asked to bake for a going away party for someone moving to Atlanta to start a new job. The cupcakes had to be special, so I immediately did some research on foods Atlanta is famous for, and any defining characteristics of Georgia. After coming up with a few mediocre ideas, this one came to mind: peaches. I found the amazing recipe for these cupcakes here, and immediately knew they were the perfect idea for this occasion.

Covered in dyed sugar and filled with butter cream frosting, these “peaches” are some of my favorite cupcakes to date. Topped off with a cinnamon stick “stem” and mint leaves, they evoke juicy expectations when instead you bite into buttery yellow cake. 

Whenever I think of peaches, I am reminded of this movie. I also recently saw this photo taken by an artist that is currently being exhibited at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Ironically enough, his exhibition is called “At War with the Obvious” which fits as seamlessly with Reality Bites as the cupcake peaches did for the Atlanta send off party. Clearly I’ve had Georgia on my mind…